5 Ways To Tell If You’re an Alchemist Archetype
Do you sometimes find yourself staring into watery reflective surfaces and saying ‘Who am I???’ out loud in a wistful rendition of the scene in Zoolander when Derek tries to find himself?
It can be hard to run a business when you’re not quite sure what your angle is. Like a teenage girl who goes through the stereotypical feminine/goth/skater/glam looks that seem to transcend time and space. We’re all just trying to figure out who we are and sometimes you need dye your businesses theoretical hair black and pop some smoky eyeliner on its non-existent eyes to see what fits.
But where the hell are you supposed to start?
Right here.
Seriously - here is a Brand Archetype quiz that will tell you exactly what your business vibe is and how you can use this information to make sweet, sweet cash in your business.
Firstly - take this quiz.
There are 12 different Brand Archetypes. Nurturer, Badass, Alchemist, Pure Heart, Adventuress, Girl Next Door, Heroine, Mischief Maker, Lover, Sage, Queen and Creatress.
1. Alchemists are basically wizards
There’s no such thing as limits in the eyes of an Alchemist. When you look to the future all you see is magic, possibilities, and world changing ideas.
Alchemists create things that have never existed before - think light bulbs, mobile phones, the internet. I mean those things obviously exist now before they existed, who dreamed them up? Alchemists. They’re magic makers. They take crazy ideas and turn them into reality.
Other archetypes sometimes think Alchemists are a bit bananas but a true magician doesn’t care. You’re busy creating potions and spells for huge, unimaginable, change in the world.
You’re quite the powerful force, did you know that?
2. Your main selling point is possibility
Alchemists can offer something no other archetypes can. Total transformation. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, you just need to do it with an air of magic. It could be a cleaning product, essential oils, fur coats for your toothbrush - as long as you can communicate the importance of the transformation, your customers will be throwing money at you.
You know that scene in Cinderella where all the woodland creatures come and make her a dress for the ball? That’s you in a nutshell. Actually, print out a picture of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmothers and make a shrine out of it. They are your inspiration. They are your Dalai Lama. A magic wand is your talisman. Everything you do is utterly enchanting. How delightful.
3. Your intuition is your greatest strength
The most enviable of trait of the Alchemists is their razor sharp instincts. Other Archetypes would kill for half of your natural intuition. You know when something feels wrong and your gut has never let you down.
This is a huge strength but it can also make business decisions a bit difficult because your inner voice often clashes with common sense and it can be hard to persevere with an idea that logically seems silly but you just have a feeling it’s a good idea.
It’s particularly tough because all the nay-sayers out there can sniff out an Alchemist like you’re a tasty slice of pizza.
The solution?
Never forget your magic, it’s what people admire and seek out in you. Why do you think Disneyland is so popular? Do you think Walt listened when he was turned down 302 times when seeking finance for Disney world? Spoiler alert: He didn’t listen. Don’t let anyone dull your magic, especially yourself!
4. Sometimes people think you’re a flake
This comes with the territory of being a spiritual person unfortunately. There’s always someone who wants to dull your sparkle or question your motives. Especially if the results of what you offer are more subjective than objective. Which basically means if there’s no tangible reason or logic behind what you do, someone will call you out on it.
Hot tip: Try to tone down the edgy or extreme marketing messages. It will help you avoid any unwarranted criticism and will open you up to a new range of people who will totally get what you do. Obviously stay true to you but by slightly tweaking your marketing to be a little more inclusive you allow room for a wider customer base. And Greglikescars won’t troll your Instagram calling you a loppy witch. Pro move, Greglikescars. Move right along.
5. Alchemists need to be SUPER clear on what they can do for their clients
As a result of the meanies mentioned above, it’s important as an Alchemist to be super clear on what you can do for your clients. It helps to use this sentence.
When you use my technique/these oils/this product you will clear your money blocks/sleep better/get rid of all the bacteria in your bathroom. Make sure you can back up these claims too. No point in promising the moon when all you can actually offer is Jupiter, the most notoriously awful planet. It literally rains liquid glass. And Venus is pretty rubbish too - metal melts there. I digress… don’t offer the moon unless you can deliver it because everything else will be a pretty terrible consolation prize.
Hot tip: Put a magic spin on everything you do. If you sell physical products, make them beautiful. Sprinkle a little magic in every package.*
The personal touch is what keeps Alchemists in business - use your clients names whenever possible and keep prioritising interpersonal relationships. It’s what you’re best at.
*NOT GLITTER. No one likes that. It gets EVERYWHERE.
Take our quiz now to discover your brand archetype so you can build the right strategic foundation for your online presence.