5 Ways To Tell If You’re The Adventuress Archetype
Do you sometimes go on Instagram and find people who just radiate brilliance? Like they always know the right things to say and their Instagram feed is so pretty and planned and they have a hot husband and three sunkissed children that run along the beach barefoot?
It’s not so much the unfair distribution of genetics at play here (although that certainly helps) but there’s a real clarity to their message, to their brand.
Surely it comes naturally right?
That curated yet somehow totally authentic vibe rarely comes naturally. In fact it’s usually the result of research, planning, tweaking and locking in boundaries for sticking to a set theme. A theme that draws their followers in with that special somethin’ somethin’ that has fans wanting more… and more.
You know you can do that too, right?
But how do you even know where to start with this stuff?
You need to know your Brand Archetype my petal! It will unlock a world of answers for you. Promise.
There are 12 different Brand Archetypes. Nurturer, Badass, Alchemist, Pure Heart, Adventuress, Girl Next Door, Heroine, Mischief Maker, Lover, Sage, Queen and Creatress.
1. Hiking boots are your Chanel suit
Well not literally but you’re always ready for adventure. You hate (HATE) being tied down so things like excess luggage, bulky day bags, uncomfortable clothing or pinchy shoes don’t exist in your wardrobe. If someone says ‘There’s a mad business summit in Thailand that starts in two days and I have free tickets - you in?’ you can say ‘Totally! I have my passport and I got immunised for encephalitis a month ago! Let’s do it.’
You’re always prepared and ready for adventure. You are The Adventuress after all. And by ‘prepared’, I mean very minimally prepared. You’re not the type to pack 20 pairs of underwear on a weekend away but you will chuck your wetsuit in the boot of the car because who knows what might happen? You’re super casual like that.
2. Your sense of adventure is your success secret weapon
You know why? You don’t give up easily and you go further and wider than anyone else. The Adventuresses don’t poke their head out the door and say ‘Nope! What I’m looking for isn’t here! Let’s go back inside.’. They strap on their backpack and say ‘Let’s look over that mountain… no the OTHER mountain… the one way in the distance.’.
For example, Elizabeth Gilbert is an Adventuress, constantly challenging herself, finding new directions and different avenues to explore. Another famous Adventuress (obviously) is Indiana Jones. Arguably the most famous of all The Adventuresses. Hot tip: Get yourself a wide-brimmed sable fedora and sweet pair of hiking pants. Might as well look the part right?
When you’re The Adventuress archetype, connecting with your audience is a no-brainer. They want stories, they want to soak up that infectious Adventuress energy. They want adventure. They want freedom. And you can give it to them you sassy little merry wanderer.
Think outside the box, be your own quirky self. Be raw and real because The Adventuresses are (and attract) free spirits so be one and own it. That means your content can be a little all over the place. You’re a free spirit, untethered by Instagram’s unrealistic expectations. Definitely have a rough theme and style for your brand but also go with the flow. It’s who you are.
3. You get distracted VERY easily
The Adventuresses are outstanding - they’re high energy, positive people. Rad storytellers and usually super easy going, nothing is too difficult or too much hassle for The Adventuress.
No one’s perfect right? Adventuresses have ‘shiny object syndrome’ and they have it bad.
This means they get distracted SUPER easily.
Here’s your brain on any given day -
‘I should update my business coaching offering to include in person sessions once a month… actually I should do once a month in person sessions with a small group of clients. It should be in Africa, because Africa is cool. I’ll charter a private jet and fly my clients there and we can have a ritual feast and aura cleansing followed by a safari. Then we can go to Iceland! And take fencing classes! And start an alpaca sanctuary!’
You see what happened there? The enthusiasm and Can-Do attitude can get a touch out of control.
The solutions? Have a non-Adventuress buddy on hand you can call to talk you off the ledge when a simple update to your current offering turns into a year long sabbatical at an ashram in India or you simply disappearing off the face of the earth for three weeks. Don’t act like that hasn’t happened. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
4. You’re very self directed and self motivated…
This is a marvelous personality trait and most of the world would kill for your pizazz and your ability to get things done. You set plans and you follow them through. It’s kind of irritating to be honest.
While other people struggle to get motivated, you’ve got all pistons pumping and all cogs cranking. Other archetypes would KILL for your energy.
Hot tip: If you’re finding yourself struggling to get motivated, it’s a pretty good sign that the path you’re on is NOT the path you should be on. The Adventuresses have excellent instincts so if you’re feeling restless, bored or uncomfortable, change your path. For other archetypes, discomfort is a sign they’re heading in the right direction. For Adventuresses it means they need to do a U-turn and go somewhere else. Anywhere else.
5. ...but you’re also a little bit too in love with your own autonomy
One of the major downsides of being an Adventuress is that typically no one can keep up with you and you absolutely hate being told what to do. In any form. Even if it’s someone giving you directions. You don’t need directions! You’re an Adventuress! The wind and the stars will show you where to go! Yep. You’re basically Pocahontas with a laptop. Always seeking.
And one of the things you’re seeking more than anything else is your truth.
Sometimes this can lead you to ‘chop and change’ between projects. You start something, realise it doesn’t fully align with your truth, so you drop it like a hot potato to try something else. You’re fearless in the pursuit of following your heart, and you’re a master of the quick pivot.
Understand that just because you’ve come up with an idea (even if it’s a fan-fricking-tastic one), doesn’t mean you have to take action on it. Especially if it detracts from your current project.
Ways to combat this? Start a ‘Not for now’ list. Every time you get an idea that doesn’t fit within your current mission or schedule, capture it on a ‘not for now’ list, and revisit it later. Make peace with the fact that you can’t do everything at once.
Luckily, one of your superpowers is seeing forks in the road where others see only a straight path… so a renewed sense of excitement is always within reach.
Take our quiz now to discover your brand archetype so you can build the right strategic foundation for your online presence.