Ecstatic Birth
A gorgeous brand glow-up for a birth activist transforming women’s lives
BRANDING, collateral, membership site, WEBSITE
Sheila Kamara Hay of Ecstatic Birth
Birth activist Sheila Kamara-Hay, on a mission to help more women experience childbirth
as one of the most transformative, empowering and pleasurable experiences in their life, hired us to create new beautiful, embodied branding and a website that felt polished and inviting, warm and vibrant, spiritual yet grounded. The result? An inspiring online presence that showcases her speaking and events experience, streamlines her offers, and genuinely inspires expectant mothers who are ready to swim upstream against deep rooted cultural messages, personal and societal constructs about childbirth. The simplicity of having everything in one place means that Sheila's messaging is more cohesive, the user experience is better and Sheila isn't as stressed launching and promoting her offers.