Getting someone to buy your stuff can be hard. How do you lure someone back to the cart after they’ve wandered off? Well, the good news is they're not gone for good – and the tool you need to win them back is right here. It’s called an Abandon Cart Sequence, and it’s designed to lure those almost-buyers back to your site and make them fall in love all over again.
We’ve put together a template to help you write an epic sales sequence from scratch. This booklet helps you get your customers from where they’re at to where you want them to be i.e. purchasing and getting more coin for your product. K’ching!
Even if you are totally comfortable showing up on social media, finding the time to make it happen is another thing entirely. We often underestimate how much time it takes to move from socially awkward to socially awesome. We created these templates to give you a head start. Go, Go Go!
After working with hundreds of women on their websites, we know that content is the #1 thing that gets them all confused, stalling (and sometimes even derailing) an otherwise amazing project – so we wrote a booklet to stamp this problem out. This is the first time this guide is for sale! Hot Property alert.
Webinars are still one of the best ways to get people to buy your offer and there’s no reason why you can’t get some of that profit into your bank a/c. In fact, there’s only one thing that can hold you back from Webinar World Domination, and that thing is your marketing strategy – because people won’t make time for a webinar (or anything, really*) unless you get them excited about it.
If you need a little help kick-starting that DIY branding project, then these DIY Canva Brand Kits are the tools you need to get started creating your dream brand and feeling in charge of getting your brand out to the people!