Ep. 4: Sexy Consistency
If you’re familiar with our previous episodes and blogs, you’ll know that we like to think of building a community and a brand as being sort of like dating - and if there’s one thing every relationship needs, it’s a bit of consistency.
Shower drains need clearing, dinners need cooking, and laundry baskets fill up faster than you can say “who put this red top in with the whites?”
And guess what?
One Valentine’s Day gesture won’t make your partner forget "consistent inconsistency" - and the same goes for your customers.
You’ll be better off doing little things every day, week, and month that remind them how much you <3 them, because there’s nothing sexier than consistency...right?
Well, not really.
The truth is, most of the time, it’s really hard work. Whether you’re cooking dinner for the fifth night in a row or creating Insta posts, blogs, and podcasts, keeping up with your own routine can start to feel a bit like a chore...
But there is some good news:
When you prove that you’re in this for the long haul, your audience will learn to trust and respect you, and they’ll keep coming back every day, week, or month for more content.
Eventually, they might even pull out their credit cards and show you a little love - and if you ask me, there’s nothing sexier than that.
In this episode of How To Flourish Online, we’ll dive into the true value of consistent branding and break down our three-step plan for tapping into your brand sex appeal.
What’s this conversation really about?
Why consistency is so important to your business
How to create authentic content
How to build a consistent visual brand in three parts
The two essential ingredients for every successful, long-term business venture
How to avoid photoshoot freak-outs
Why you should listen
Consistency is the secret to success in just about any part of your life, and it’s a whole lot easier when you know exactly what you’re doing and why. That’s what this episode is all about - and the three tips inside will be the difference between a hobby and a bonafide business.
You can quote me on that…
“Creating content for your business creates business for your business.” - Ellissa Nagle
“It's fun to mix it up and get things started and to dream up fun things. It's not quite as fun to commit to blogging once a week or having daily social content or sending client reports weekly, but it's those things that develop trust and respect.” - Ellissa Nagle
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