Behind the scenes of Flourish’s brand refresh

No matter how well your brand has served you in the past (and we were particularly smitten with ours!), every few years, it’s essential to give it a loving refresh. 

As your business evolves, your brand evolves with it. And boy, has Flourish evolved. 

Rebranding is all about rediscovering your brand's strengths, its core values, and gaining clarity on your vision for the future.

After 3+ cozy years with our previous brand, we've made some minor (and some significant!) tweaks to align our brand with our exciting future direction.

What we changed - and why

Our logo refresh

If we had to pick one word to describe this rebrand, it would be ‘simplicity’. 

While we absolutely adored the old version of our logo (you can peek at it below), we knew it was time to make it simpler and bolder. 


As you can see, our logo features the Red Flowering Gum (Corymbia ficifolia) — a gorgeous Australian flower that grows in harsh conditions. 

Now, when the word ‘flourish’ is written as a verb or adjective in our copy, we use a script logo to mimic the act of flourishing. A small detail that connects us to our purpose. 

script logo

Refining our colour palette

Our colour palette has always been vibrant. And we love it that way. 

But with our goal of simplifying and focusing on our essence, we’ve decided to refine our colour palette a little. We’ve removed some colours that were no longer vibing with us. 

The result is more focused and clean, without losing any of the boldness. 

Old Colour Palette / New colour Palette

Our Brand Strategy Workshop

This one was a LOT of fun. 

It’s incredible how much massive clarity you can gain on your brand in just a half-day. We ran a Brand Strategy Workshop to get our team on the same page about our Brand Archetype, our values and our future. 

In two sessions, we smashed our goals — clarifying our brand’s essence, sifting through to find our core values, refining our vision statement, unearthing our true mission, and understanding our ideal client with laser-focus. 

Getting clear on our ideal client

Having clarity on your ideal client is EVERYTHING. 

That’s why we spent lots of time getting to know the ins and outs of our ideal client’s psychology — her personality traits, her goals and motivations, and real life examples of what she says (after all, we’re blessed with some incredible clients to draw inspiration from!)

It had been a while since we’d looked at this and we’re glad we did, because now we’re much more clear and focused on what to say - and what not to say. 

We used this exercise to finesse our messaging and write copy that really speaks to our ideal client. 

Streamlining and optimising our offers

We’ve made some pretty big changes in our offers to streamline and simplify the kind of work we do, and how we deliver it. 

For example, we now offer branding first and foremost. We noticed that a lot of clients were coming to us for websites or a visual design - but the pillars of their brand strategy were missing. 

Without your value proposition and a clear brand strategy dialled in, a stunning website will do little for your business.

All visual branding and website packages now kick off with a Brand Strategy Workshop (which can also be purchased as a standalone service). This means we can deliver the best possible results no matter what marketing project follows it. 

Why participating in a brand workshop can save you thousands

Lots can go wrong when you skip creating a solid foundation for your brand. 

You might wind up with messaging that attracts misaligned clients. Or even worse, messaging that attracts no one. 

You could end up blending in for the wrong reasons, instead of standing out for all the right reasons. 

When you don’t start with brand strategy, it can cost you thousands of dollars in confusion and branding missteps. 

Luckily, refreshing your brand doesn’t have to take months. And you don’t have to drop a bucket ton of money either. 

With our Brand Strategy Workshop, you can fast-track radical clarity and craft the foundations for an impossible-to-resist brand with the help of a branding expert in just half a day. Go ahead and book your spot here. 

Check out Flourish Online’s new brand guideline below or get the PDF version here.

Flourish Online Brand Guideline


Take our quiz now to discover your brand archetype so you can build the right strategic foundation for your online presence.


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